Wah.....akhirnya selesai juga UTS!!!!! Setelah 2 minggu jadwal tidurku jadi kacau, akhirnya aq tebus semuanya dengan tidur 12 jam pada hari minggu... wakakaka.....
Gimana ya hasil UTS ku ini???? hikz...hikz.... ngeri juga kalo bayangin hasilnya...
Yah, yg penting aq dah coba semampu aq. I've done my best, and let God do the rest.....
Masih banyak hal yg menunggu di depanku untuk dikerjakan...salah satunya ya proyek untuk membuat blog ini sebagai bagian dr tugas OPB....Selain itu, hrs cari2 artikel juga nih tentang keteknik kimiaan yg bermutu gitu....
Ada ide???
Welcome to my blog/journal/musings/, etc. etc.
I've had a few people question me on the definition of "blog". It's simply what us baby boomers used to call a diary or journal, however, with high tech we're now able to update these and share them with friends and family.
Since I'm an engineer I'll be sharing lots of updates on my writing, marketing, inventing, project and also info on other engineers, links to visit, books I'm reading at the moment and whatever else comes through the keyboard.
I'm originally from the Jakarta area, so yes.....I'm extremely liberal. And proud of it. So every now and again I may just toss in one of my liberal views, however..............
I may disagree with what you say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it.
I've also recently relocated to a small town of 100000 students in this town and will be sharing how different it is from a mid-size city, quirky ancedotes and whatever's on my mind.
So I hope you'll visit here often. Grab a cup of coffee, relax and enjoy my musics. If you like what you read, add my link to your blog.
2 komentar:
Ayo teman2...beri komentar pada artikel saya donk...
wah...bagus banget artkelnya...
memang benar2 relevant dengan kebutuhan dunia teknik kimia saat ini terutama berhubungan dengan pengolahan limbah...
salut deh pokoknya...
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